Amber Kern

It looks like a retail shop, but Amber’s business is actually a vessel to promote goodness—goodness in her industry, in her community and even globally.


What makes you feel proud?

I am proud of our strong family bond and that we are raising a child who is vivacious, kind and witty. I am proud that I have managed to strike a harmony with work and personal life. I am proud that I am able to help women to feel beautiful and confident in their skin. I am proud to be a part of this city’s growth and evolution.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My husband and our son are the most important influences in my life. They are my support system, my joy and my reason for doing. Together we make a dynamite trio.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

I doubt I’m alone when I say weathering the storm of the last couple of years has been a big challenge. Emotionally as a parent, economically as a business owner and just as a person in the world, the stress took a toll and has taken some effort to fully bounce back.

“If I can help one person to realize that what they wear matters—how it’s made, what the person who makes it is paid, the pollution produced and resources required—I count that as a tiny victory.”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

We can all do tiny, simple, effortless things to live a little greener. If I can help one person to realize that what they wear matters—how it’s made, what the person who makes it is paid, the pollution produced and resources required—I count that as a tiny victory.


Amanda Dake


Amy Downs