Megan Reeves

One of her main strengths is empathy and it serves Megan well as a Mom of two toddlers. But, surprisingly, it’s also been helpful in building her videography business during a pandemic. She’s passionate about using film to tell stories that last generations.

What makes you feel proud?

Although I’ve tried and failed and have done things imperfectly, I’m proud of building a business that creates something meaningful for people. I’m proud for believing in myself and for discovering a creative part of my soul that’s become awakened. I’m also extremely proud of the family I’ve built. My husband and two boys are everything to me. I’m so thankful for and proud of the way my husband and I are teaching our sons about what’s important in the world. Love, kindness, equity and inclusion are our priorities. And we hope to continue to instill those priorities in our children so that they can make a difference in their communities as they grow and learn.

“Love, kindness, equity and inclusion are our priorities. And we hope to continue to instill those priorities in our children so that they can make a difference in their communities as they grow and learn.”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

With a background in international studies and education, one of my biggest passions has always been to create a more equitable and inclusive community. I would love to see a stronger effort for community members to get to know their neighbors who have different ethnic, religious and social backgrounds. Antiracism is extremely important to me and I think if we made it more of a priority to learn and unlearn and to become more open-minded, those efforts would combat racism.

megan is one of 100 women we have featured in the inaugural issue of Hundred Magazine. To learn more about her and the other 99 women, buy the issue.


Dr. Mautra Staley Jones


Mary Stalder