Jenni Zabel

As the mother of seven young children and vice president of a local ministry, Jenni has her work cut out for her. And she’s the exact kind of servant leader needed for the job.

What keeps you up at night?

This is a time in history where much occupies my thoughts, but one of the things that concerns me most is the blatant attack on truth. We seem to be in a truth deficit. It has become difficult to discern what is fact and what is fiction. What is truth and what is a lie. There is an effort to dilute the truth to a fraction of what it actually is so that it is at least palatable, but ultimately rooted in falsehood. Certainty is a feeling of the past. Positivity about any one thing can be relegated to history. This has begun to erode the very foundations of our human experiences. Without absolutes, we fall into a world of relativism and perception which is faulty at best, and terrifying at worst. There is no solid place to stand in a world like this except on the unchanging Word of God, which is why my heart is so passionate about sending that message forth.

“I hope compassion and love abound greater in my heart so that I can minister out of an overflow, helping others to feel seen and known.”

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope I am full of even more resolve to step boldly into my calling, casting fear and self- doubt permanently aside. I hope I continue to grow in courage and, in turn, spread that to others around me, especially my children. I hope compassion and love abound greater in my heart so that I can minister out of an overflow, helping others to feel seen and known. I hope what is actually important will continue to remain at the forefront of my mind and the things that truly don’t matter will fade quietly into the distance. I hope the people in my life know how much they mean to me and are loved by me.

Jenni is one of 100 women we have featured in the inaugural issue of Hundred Magazine. To learn more about her and the other 99 women, buy the issue.


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Jen Semmler