Courtney Ramos-Fincher

When taking action and moving forward feels risky and intimidating, Courtney shines. She’s known for taking problems head-on and never compromising her values to get things done in her family business.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

A professor in college told me “you may get the job because of your name, but you keep the job because of what you can do.” Nepotism is real and comes with it’s own challenges. I need to embrace this legacy and improve upon it. Also, all customers are not good customers. It’s okay to turn down a job.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My grandmothers. One helped my grandfather build our family business from nothing, and even had a baby (my Dad) and started our business in the same year. My maternal grandmother grew up in Hitler’s Germany and her strength and wisdom is unending.

“I need to embrace this legacy and improve upon it.”

What makes you feel proud?

Taking over a failing company and now being able to celebrate its 75th year. I’m also very proud of my involvement in my son’s school for the betterment of all the students, not just him.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Asking for help.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope I have more friends who look different from me and think differently than I do.

Courtney is one of 100 women we have featured in the inaugural issue of Hundred Magazine. To learn more about her and the other 99 women, buy the issue.


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