Brooke Hamilton
What makes Brooke Wildly Capable?
Brooke is a firecracker and a world changer. She’s one of the most versatile and dynamic women I’ve ever met, being a pageant girl turned lawyer, who is multi-talented but still easily one of the kindest women you’ll ever meet.” JANTZEN MILLER
What makes you feel proud?
In the last few years I have gained a new level of confidence in who God created me to be and freedom from the lies I believed about myself. I believe the version of myself today would make 18-year-old Brooke very proud.
What keeps you up at night?
Any attack on the dignity of human life and God’s creation. I do not believe anyone is a lost cause, and I believe that every single life is of great significance and is worth fighting for.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
The best advice from my parents was to choose joy, no matter the circumstances. Growing up, my mother would have my sister and I say Psalm 118:24 out loud every single morning as we started our day. This was not something we said lightly, but we genuinely lived by. On the most difficult days, and on the best days, my family and I would choose to start every day by saying “This is the day the Lord has made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it.” By consistently declaring this out loud, walking in the joy of the Lord became part of my identity and is the characteristic that people most know me by.
What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?
I think like many people, one of the biggest obstacles that I have faced was believing that perfection was the answer and the solution to my problems. For a long time, I was afraid of being vulnerable and letting people into the messy parts of my life, and I tried to mask the mess with perfection, distract myself with activities and chase affirmation through achievements and accolades. In hindsight, there is so much I wish I could say to my younger self, but I am grateful that through God’s grace, I have found freedom by rooting my identity in Him. One of the most beautiful things about following Jesus is that He takes the messiest parts of our stories and makes them beautiful. Every single one of my mistakes, failures, and heartbreaks, both big and small, has become a testimony to help others. In the last few years, I have learned that God not only wants to rescue you, He wants to heal you and redeem your pain. His promise that He gives beauty for our ashes is true, and my life and my story is a testament to that promise.
What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?
Hopelessness. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, and it is easy to put our hope in the wrong things, which leads to disappointment, disillusionment, discouragement, and depression. Where we place our hope matters and my heart is to help foster a restoration of hope in our community and state.