Athena Captain

What makes Athena Wildly Capable?

I’ve yet to meet someone who is more intentional with her time and talent than Athena. Caring for a daughter with special needs, it would be easy for her to say she doesn’t have time for other things. But Athena consistently shows up for herself and for others in a way that is nothing but supernatural.” HANNAH SCHMITT 

What makes you feel proud? 

When I don’t allow my insecurities to win. I am an overcomer! Life has given me plenty of reasons to have a laundry list of good excuses as to why I can’t live up to my potential. I decided at a young age to lean into my faith in Jesus for strength. My faith coupled with my determination not to allow my past to define my future fuels a passion burning inside of me to help others. My life defies all the odds. 

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 

Don’t ask “why me?’ ask “why not me?” Adjust your expectations of this life so you may face life head on. Stop allowing a victim mindset to rob you of your potential. 

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why? 

Jesus. I would not be alive today if I did not walk in His love, grace and joy. He fills my life with hope and peace no matter the storm. 

What keeps you up at night? 

The reality my daughter is in the 98% to have a nocturnal seizure, which can be life-threatening. 

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far? 

My dysfunctional childhood, my ego and the need to balance caregiving for my daughter while building my businesses. 

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different? 

I pray I continue to develop into a woman who loves herself without an ego that needs to be fed. I want to live this next year doing it afraid in order to achieve my calling and dream for my life. 

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community? 

The ability to offer grace to ourselves and to others without shame or judgment. No one is perfect, we are beautifully imperfect. Let’s create a space allowing each other to be open and vulnerable so we are seen, understood and valued. 


Chelsey Koppari


Chandy Rice