Ashlee Byrd
What makes Ashlee Wildly Capable?
She loves fiercely and loyally. She serves her clients so well as a doula, she’s one of the most authentic people who cares so so well for those around her. She’s a mom, deacon, doula, wife, leader of community and amazing friend. -KELSIE DOWNS
What makes you feel proud?
I feel really proud of who I’ve become over the last 10 years. I’m really proud of the way I’ve let my difficult seasons soften me instead of harden me. I’m stepping into my 30s really grateful for all the ways God has met me, held me and formed me in my 20s. I kicked off this decade with getting married and then quickly going through three really big grief journeys: the loss of a dream when I unexpectedly failed out of nursing school the weekend before my wedding, the loss of the life I thought I was going to have when I found out I was pregnant eight years before I wanted to be, and the sudden loss of my Dad when my son was only six months old. Walking through those seasons of grief showed me how grief and joy can coexist. That reality of two things in tension has become a pillar of my story and something that permeates into the way I try to love others.
One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?
One year from now, I hope more than anything that my gaze is even more focused on Jesus than it is today. I hope that the things on my plate won’t lead me to great overwhelm but to deeper joy and gratitude. I hope my heart is full of more love and humility.
What keeps you up at night?
Either all night labors, the sudden stirring in my heart to move toward a specific person, or an idea that feels too important to sleep on.
What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?
I think I’ve probably been my own biggest obstacle. For most of my life I’ve had a hard time believing that my voice has value or that I have any business taking a seat at the metaphorical table. I often find that when I put my identity in things other than “daughter of Christ” is when I feel that insecurity most. It’s that insecurity leads to fear and fear leads to flight for me most of the time. But when I’m able to have confidence in my identity as a follower of Jesus, I’m able to show up more courageously and authentically.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
When I was in the thick of the newborn days with my daughter, I was talking to my Mema about the struggles I was having. Our baby rarely slept and cried so much and the nights were so long and hard. I remember her looking at me and saying, “Nothing ever stays the same for long.”