Angela Muir
What makes Angela Wildly Capable?
Angela moved to OKC just a few years ago and has already contributed so much to our city...She started Boom Town Creamery, and while her business instincts are wonderful, I love Angela’s strive to support and partner with other local businesses and organizations.” JILLIAN TRUJILLO
What makes you feel proud?
I received a note from an employee that said “I didn’t know this type of work environment existed, I’m grateful.” That makes me proud. When I read reviews on Google of how people love our ice cream. When I hear my husband talk about Boom Town to other people. When my kids do chores on their own, without nagging.
What keeps you up at night?
I have to be honest, I sleep pretty well! I’m a sleep enthusiast! However I worry about keeping the momentum in our business, having a bad winter (cold weather is bad for ice cream).
What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?
I think I might be in the midst of it—how to balance raising four kids and raising a business. Learning what to prioritize and when and knowing what can wait. I definitely don’t always get it right.
One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?
I hope I’ve learned more about leadership and we are training our staff members even better at Boom Town. I hope I’ve met more people and expanded my circle. I hope I can look back and say it was a year well spent.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
A person to love is always more important than a problem to be solved.