Simi John

Simi works hard to ignore the labels the world might try to put on her and instead lean into her true identity in Christ. And she’s using her experience and influence to help others do the same.


What makes you feel proud?

I feel most proud when I see my children live out the things that I have taught them or they have seen me do. I feel proud when I see how much I have grown in compassion, grace and contentment in being who I am right now, not just a future ideal version of me.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My Dad. My Dad was an abusive alcoholic who miraculously healed from addiction. His love for Jesus taught him how to be a better father and husband. He is passionate in the way he prays for people, loves God and fights for his family. I have seen him befriend people who are so different from him. From neighbors to the homeless, he treats everyone the same and offers them a seat and delicious homemade Indian food. He is a man of hope and joy. I want to be like that.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

Being an immigrant, an Indian-American woman. So often I thought I had to fit in and make everyone feel comfortable so I hid from my Indian heritage. It’s only in my 30s that I recognized it is my unique voice as an Indian-American woman that the world needs most. And when I actually stepped into my God-given identity, I began to see God increase my confidence and my influence. I still struggle with this, and need to remind myself that I am exactly who I am supposed to be.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

My Mom would always tell me, “Simi, instead of saying ‘I don’t know,’ always try to learn.”

“I feel proud when I see how much I have grown in compassion, grace and contentment in being who I am right now, not just a future ideal version of me.”

What keeps you up at night?

The suffering in the world and the state of the next generation always make me pray harder. It reminds that there is work to do.


Stefannie Powell


Shenita Jefferson