DesJean Peyton-Jones


There is power in just waking up every day excited to pursue the work that’s right in front of you. DesJean is a living, breathing example of that power.

I wake up to the song "Over It Now" by Marvin Winans at 6:30am. I lay there for a minute and begin thanking God for this new day. Then, I ask Jesus to join me for coffee. I begin with a 45 minute meditation talking to God and praying. I try to arrive at the office by 9am...and then all bets are off! The excitement always begins with my plans then migrates to "I know you're busy but..." Anything can happen in the environment at OIC. I may end up crying, laughing, or feeling frustrated but the day ALWAYS ends with gladness...that I showed up today and I did what I could. I go home very satisfied that I "got to do" what I am called to do.

Learn more about DesJean by listening to this episode of The Wildly Capable Woman or picking up a copy of Hundred Magazine.


Ashley Coffey


Seneca Dewbre