Dr. Noor Jihan Abdul-Haqq


Dr. Noor Jihan Abdul-Haqq is a wife, mom and one of the only Black female physicians in Oklahoma City who owns her own practice (and is opening a second location!). She mentors, serves the homeless and helped open a local clinic for the uninsured in 2020. Here’s how she describes her typical day:

My clinic begins at 8:30 and I typically see between 20-30 patients per day. I also take care of the administrative side of my practice as well. After 5pm, I'm off to take my children to one of their activities, then cook dinner. Often my evenings are spent responding to patient questions, completing notes or just hanging with my family.

Learn more about Noor by listening to this episode of The Wildly Capable Woman or picking up a copy of Hundred Magazine.


Kelli Dupuy


Jami Hood