Melissa Scaramucci

It’s one thing to be a fan of the arts, but Melissa is something different altogether, committing her time, energy, talents and even opening her home if it means strengthening the art community in Oklahoma City.


What keeps you up at night?

There is a lot of anger, division and darkness in our community. I believe the arts build bridges between people and create spaces for agreement and enjoyment. People disagree about many things but we can generally agree that we like music. Or movies. Or dance. Or paintings. I find joy and hope in the spirit of creation that survives and often thrives, in times of discord.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My daughters. I remember running the OKC Memorial Marathon and they were waiting for me at mile 20. My knees were killing me and around mile 17 I was ready to quit. But I knew they were waiting. So I ran to see them and after that, I knew I could make it to the finish line. And we agreed, I was probably a better cheerleader than a runner. I want them to see that service is important, valuable and necessary.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

I don't see obstacles as much as I see a wheel. Sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down. I think my desire to serve and uplift is sometimes greater than my capacity. It's good for me to remember to do one or two things very well rather than to barely support five or six.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Watch a butterfly. The flight is up, down, side to side, and yet, they manage to get to the flower.

“I find joy and hope in the spirit of creation that survives and often thrives, in times of discord. ”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

I'd like to see arts and civics make a return to the classroom. People of all ages need the chance to be good or bad or different with a paintbrush or a guitar.


Michael Anderson


Mel Willis