Megan Lopp

Megan proudly says she’s not an overnight success. She’s just really stubborn and determined. Which is how she’s created her intentional home and life and works to do the same for others.


What makes you feel proud?

The idea that I have "designed a life I can't wait to come home to" is not a cheesy sign you hang in your home. It's something my husband and I have lived out. For 13 years we rented a 1910 family farmhouse with no dishwasher or HVAC to pay off our debts and save for our dream home (which we are building currently!). During that time we hosted the party even when we didn't have the biggest or prettiest house on the block. We enjoyed life right where we were and we grew a "fancy" design business in our laundry room. I am proud that I was truly present during every step of our journey. I'm not an overnight success. Just really stubborn and determined.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

As a woman I would have to say my Mom. She always pushed me to be proud of my feminism, to challenge my own belief system, to put myself in others’ shoes, to think outside of the box and never be afraid to show off those legs (get it girl!).

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope my life has more white space. We are currently building our home, experiencing a growth spurt in our business and developing our team, as well as being a family. I look forward to slow cooked meals with loved ones in our new home, maybe coaching a sports team for one of my boys, soaking in my big 72" tub, and laughing more with my husband.

“I'm not an overnight success. Just really stubborn and determined.”

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

My Dad died of cancer when I was 8. The development and understanding of grief, loss and the beauty and heartbreak of life was something I understood deeply at a very young age.


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Mandi Briggs