Lizzie Daniel

When faced with something sad and fearful, Lizzie chose to be kind, honest and brave. And at work and at home, those are traits she encourages those around her to embody every day.


What makes you feel proud?

When my people are well fed and my dogs are well behaved I feel immense pride. Both are tangible representations of the time, commitment and fiercely honest love I dedicate to the cause of caring deeply. I like taking care of people, seeing their needs and responding. It brings me pride. I think that's why my professional work is so rewarding, and probably why I enjoy my personal life.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My Mother has taught me that life with joy is better. My husband is helping me learn that mindfulness and meditation are important enough to practice every day. My boys have taught me to fight like hell. And lemonade is a reminder that two things can be true at once.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

It seems fair to say that this pandemic and our societal responses (both on a micro and a macro level) have been the biggest obstacle to collective wellbeing in this world's recent memory. But there's opportunity in all of this horror—hope of a better system, better outcomes, dignity, and balance.

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

We have a lot of needs in this community. Right now, I'm concentrating on raising two boys who will inherit a future world we can not imagine. I want my boys to see value in themselves and others enough so that they are kind, honest and brave in the face of hardship.

“But there's opportunity in all of this horror—hope of a better system, better outcomes, dignity, and balance.”

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

To stay open-hearted, regardless of everything.


Lydia Green


Liz Howald