Katie Gibbons

Katie’s mantra is “be the uncomplicated support” and she fully embodies that at work and at home. She’s worked hard to have the mental, emotional and physical fortitude to support those around her who need it.


What makes you feel proud?

I think I headed down a path of self development six years ago almost by accident that has led me regularly way out of my comfort zone. But it has brought me to a place of true contentment that has little to do with outside influence. I’m proud of that work and of my flexibility in getting to this place.

What keeps you up at night?

I think a superpower of mine is the ability to zoom out and see the whole board or zoom in and see the single piece. It’s also a real pain. I desperately want to find solutions that meet individual needs and accomplish bigger goals in most areas of my life. Mental chess between the two sides of myself keeps me up for sure.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Why?

My grandmother created an unparalleled sense of safety for me. She was incredibly resilient. I have a strong internal compass and I believe that’s in large part because she gave her attention without a thought for time, gave her talents without thought to money, and gave every emotion a space to be expressed.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I really want to find balance at this stage of my life. I have a tendency to be all in or nothing at all, and I’d love to know how it feels to live more consistently in the middle ground. I think I’m on my way!

“I have a tendency to be all in or nothing at all, and I’d love to know how it feels to live more consistently in the middle ground.”

What’s the single biggest problem you’d like to solve in your community?

I would love to see the leaders in our community asking for help so they can be their best selves. And I’d love to see a new generation of caretaking, problem-solvers trained up to meet that need.


Kelly Grantham


Kati Hanna