Erin Goodin

Erin transforms lives by helping house the homeless, but as the first female in her executive role at a 60-year-old company, she’s also inspiring countless women along the way.

What’s been the biggest obstacle in your life so far?

My daughter Jaylin’s health. When she was 7, she was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease, Juvenile Dermatomyositis, coupled with two other autoimmune diseases. She is one in a million. This disease was impacting her muscles and her ability to walk. We had to travel to Chicago for treatment, a struggle with four other children at home. I remember battling with depression and broke down and cried one day. Jaylin walked in and put her arms around my neck and said, “Mom, don’t cry. We all have our crosses, just like Jesus. This is my cross. I’ve got this, let me carry it. You are okay”. Those were profound words coming from a 7-year-old, and they changed my outlook on obstacles. I no longer see anything as an obstacle. It is a cross; I will pick it up and carry it, just like Jesus did.

“I never want to be stagnant. I am not afraid of change and am always looking for opportunities for positive growth.”

What makes you feel proud?

I feel proud whenever I have been successful at helping my team do their job. My job is to ensure my team has the programs, resources and support they need to help our clients end their homelessness. If I am doing my job, my team is thriving and clients are getting housed, they see and feel the love of Jesus and they are moving on to living their dreams. That is when I feel proud.

One year from today, how do you hope you’re different?

I hope that I have grown even stronger in my current role and in my relationship with Christ. I never want to be stagnant. I am not afraid of change and am always looking for opportunities for positive growth.

Erin is one of 100 women we have featured in the inaugural issue of Hundred Magazine. To learn more about her and the other 99 women, buy the issue.


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