A magazine recognizing Oklahoma City women for who they are, not just what they do.

Stories Worth Sharing

We asked our honorees: What has it meant to you to be in Hundred Magazine?
Being featured alongside women who invest and care deeply about our community and great state has been remarkable and has encouraged me to keep striving to impact lives and change generations to come!
Mautra Staley Jones
It’s been a huge boost that my past will not always haunt me and that I can achieve anything as long as I put everything I have into it! I won’t always be labeled just an addict! I’m buying 13 acres and slowly proving everyday I’m better than my past! I’m hitting my 8 years this August!
Jaime Lee
It has been such a humbling honor to be included and to feel seen. I don't run in circles that would typically open up opportunities like this, so it feels really good to have this permanent symbol of feeling recognized for my humanity.
Rebecca Damron
To be featured amongst these women was one of the highlights of my career, and I hope I can continue to help honor other deserving women in the community.
Lauren Mingee
It is has been a way for my gift of being a connector to blossom. Really thankful!
Jordan Humphrey
It’s a beautiful thing when you’re invited to have deeper conversations that challenge you to talk about your purpose and what brought you to this place rather than what have you produced lately and what’s coming next.
Suzann Wade
I feel honored to be among the women in Hundred Magazine. It feels good to have a seat at the table for who I am, not what I’ve worked for.
Colleen Howe
Being featured in Hundred Magazine was the highest and most humbling honor. It means I have answered the call to live in bmadzewen (good way of living) if the community sees me as listening to my heart and walking the beauty way for who I am and not what I have achieved.
Kristen Arambula
Being featured in Hundred Magazine is one of my greatest honors. Everything this magazine stands for is so special. I would choose being recognized for my character over my accomplishments any day.
Raven Haynes
It has been VERY cool and affirming to be featured, but more importantly the connections I've made with the other honorees has been incredible. Cultivating those relationships has been the most meaningful part of the experience.
Emily Strickler
It means so much! It makes me remember I am way more than just a tired mom or business owner. I am capable of doing amazing things and that other women are cheering me on.
Amber Goodall
It is such an honor to have been featured in Hundred Magazine because we live in a culture that rarely celebrates character. Our culture often honors what can be written on a resume, but it is rare to celebrate the thing that matters most about a woman, her heart, her unique identity, and her character.
Brooke Hamilton
It has been most rewarding to be honored alongside other incredible women of faith and leadership. I continue to make connections through Hundred Magazine that inspire me and leave me feeling beyond blessed to have found this circle of women right here in OKC!
Erica Bollinger
I am so blessed to be included with so many incredibly amazing women…..Women who are truly the most beautiful inside and out. Each person I have met since my nomination has been so inspiring and positive about their own experiences no matter how hard.
K-Li Berry
Being recognized among incredible women not just for a title they hold, but WHO they are matters. It helps me connect to other change makers outside of my circle.
Bailey Perkins-Wright
Having my picture printed alongside 99 capable, strong, world-changing women feels so undeserved and, simultaneously, so empowering. Having my name featured alongside hundreds of women featured in past and future editions will forever be a source of pride and accomplishment. To be honored for my character rather than my college degree, familial accomplishments, or socioeconomic status is something I deeply cherish. More than anything else, I hope to be a person who makes the world a bit better for those who inhabit it, and I understand that to be the purpose of this magazine.
Laynie Gottsch
Being featured in the Hundred Magazine has been pivotal in connecting with women that I would have never met any other way. It has also given me the opportunity to support other women by nominating deserving women that I know that reflects the best part of them.
Trenesha Simpkins
Hannah, thank you for bringing all these women together. In all honesty I’ve felt like an outsider most of my life but you have built a community where people can feel welcome and bringing in the outsiders.
Naoma Serna-Zahn
This experience has been a catalyst for my confidence, igniting personal growth and molding me into a more evolved individual. Confidence has the power to dismantle the barriers of fear and burden, allowing one to step into their full potential. Embracing this opportunity has enabled me to push forward, to strive, and to pursue the journey set before me with renewed vigor.
Ryan Blackwell
What does it mean to be wildly capable?
When we stop looking at women for what they do and instead focus on who they are, great things happen. If you agree, join us by taking this pledge:
I am nurturing, strong and compassionate.
I believe the best about others.
I lead fearlessly and selflessly regardless of my title.
I am a positive influence on others regardless of my follower count.
I show kindness to those who are different from me.
I commit to be faithful with the work right in front of me, whatever that may be.
I will be gentle with myself and generous toward others.
I will take every opportunity to encourage the women around me to do the same.
I am wildly capable of doing great things.